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Will to Be: The Power of the Solar Plexus

The Solar Plexus Chakra, known as Manipura in Sanskrit, is the third of the seven primary chakras in the human body. Buddhism and Hinduism have more than seven chakras and a more profound correlation to specific deities. Though other cultures have understood energetic systems, the spiritual traditions of India have transcended many modern spiritual communities to connect people to a basic understanding of the connections of our mind, body, and spirit. This energetic point is the vessel of our personal power and confidence and is the key to willpower, self-esteem, and the radiant expression of our true self.

Unlocking the Chakra Cheat Code

Symbol: Lotus with ten petals

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Physical Location: Upper Abdomen, just above the navel

Associated Body Parts: Stomach, Liver, Pancreas, and Upper Digestive System.

Symbol of the solar plexus chakra

Glimmering Support

The solar plexus governs the adrenal glands and influences our sense of personal power and confidence. The third energetic point is intimately connected with our will—motivation, self-discipline, and the expression of our true identity. Chakra, in Sanskrit, means disc, circle, or wheel. If you envision this chakra as a yellow ball barely able to catch a spark (underactive) or combusting erratically (overactive), you can see how each of these conditions can lead to various imbalances.


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Overactive Solar Plexus Chakra

When the yellow ball is setting everything in its path up in flames, it can feel like an overwhelming need for control and power, leading to domineering behavior, excessive ambition, and a constant need to prove oneself. This heightened drive can create a sense of being consumed by the desire for success and recognition, resulting in imbalances in relationships and an overbearing approach to personal and professional life.

Underactive Solar Plexus Chakra

When the yellow ball is nothing more than a dull flicker, it can feel like a loss of personal power and self-confidence. This may result in low self-esteem, difficulty asserting yourself, and feeling disconnected from your sense of purpose and motivation. An underactive solar plexus chakra can lead to a sense of powerlessness, lack of direction, and difficulty taking initiative or making decisions, often resulting in apathy and a diminished sense of self-worth.

silhouette with a bright yellow dot at the solar plexus meditating in front of yellow aura

Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

When the conditions are just right, and you have a more balanced solar plexus, you can foster a sense of personal empowerment and inner strength, allowing you to move through life with confidence and purpose. In addition to feeling connected to your sense of self and willpower, you can do simple things to nurture this energy of self-assurance and motivation, allowing your higher chakras to thrive:

Get Physical

  • Yoga poses such as Boat Pose (Navasana), Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana), and Plank Pose (Phalakasana).

  • Exercises that engage the core and upper abdomen, like crunches, sit-ups, and Pilates.

  • Engage in activities that build confidence and strength, such as martial arts, powerlifting, or public speaking practice.

Engage the Senses

  • Light a candle in a dark room to visualize how unabashedly the light takes up space and makes its presence known.

  • Smell invigorating and empowering scents like lemon, rosemary, ginger, and black pepper.

  • Eat foods that support digestion and energy, such as whole grains, legumes, and yellow fruits and vegetables like bananas and pineapples.

  • Enjoy the heat of a bonfire, or take a moment to soak in the Sun's rays.

  • Listen to the crackling of a fireplace, high-energy music, or a guided meditation.

Synergizing to Balance and Bliss

Think of the solar plexus as you can finally go to the city's edge; once doing so, you discover how much more of the world exists to explore. A new sensation flows through you as you collect jeweled nuggets of wisdom from a series of exciting experiences. When you balance this chakra, you open yourself to the embodiment of determination and confidence. Embrace the process, understanding that achieving balance is an ongoing battle, and you will need to return to these practices often to navigate the difficult times.

Share Your Thoughts

What sense do you like to engage to help you balance your solar plexus? We'd love to hear about your experiences and insights! Leave a comment below, and let's support each other as we grow. There is boundless potential ahead, and sharing it can inspire and help others on their path.

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